
Berjalanlahlah over the wheel of life, without degrading himself and without boasting, dead water is not always the same calm flat surface, one side higher or lower tdak some other dri? Stay away from passive nature, not some diseases are more inclined in a water puddle. Bgai dead water filling every corner of the empty spaces, we should always adorn time with fulfilling all the obligations, flexible, rapidly adjust to dg environment. Dahulukanlah choice is more important than who are important in fulfilling obligations, sperti water, always meet dg space put the bottom. Place the step by step towards the ultimate goal, like water from upstream to downstream smpai successful reply.
Be patient, never give up, among the properties of a water wave is reflected in the tireless who hit his rock solid. When sbuah dlam plunge pool water stones, watch every inch of the surface of the vibrating part, and it calmed down SCRA same time, it illustrates the cooperation, caring, sensitivity, love in social bonding. As the water evaporates, there is also a valuable lesson, that one day we would not go back to the creator.
Rupa's face is so handsome and beautiful, who so loved the family, land, houses, cars, furniture department who wah, all will be left at all, except three, jariyah charitable, pious boy, and science who benefit. O our God, are not you create all these stories it's useless. Blessed art thou, then keep us from the torment of hell.
Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb.
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