Yogurt or fermented milk into milk yogurt contains "good" bacteria such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus that could improve the balance of flora in the gastrointestinal tract. There are so many benefits in addition to maintaining healthy yogurt, yogurt was able to prevent digestive tract cancers.
Also best knowledge from an early age that if your child is accustomed to eating yogurt once a day as much as 200 cc, then the balance will be maintained cernanya channel. This is because the germs causing various diseases such as typhoid and diarrhea will not be able to grow.
In the opinion of some experts, yogurt as a variation of food began to be consumed after the baby is exclusively breastfed, which is about the age of 6 months. Yogurt contains Bifidobacterium sp special baby. Which produces lactic acid type of L (+).
While the lactic acid type D (-) which have a slower metabolism are not suitable for babies. After the age of one year before the child can eat all kinds of yogurt and enjoy its benefits as a source of protein, calcium, and high phosphorus.
As described by dr. Carmen. M. Siagian, MS, Section of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, and has been widely quoted in various writings and media, the benefits of yogurt are as follows:
Helping People with lactose intolerance
Or may be allergic to milk its lay language. Symptoms include diarrhea if your child always drink milk every time, then maybe he suffered lactoce intolerence. Causes of lactose intolerance is a deficiency / lactose-digesting enzyme deficiency. So every time a drink of milk, lactose granules will be left on the surface of the hole and the small intestine absorbs water from the surroundings which then led to diarrhea.
In the process of making yogurt, milk lactose is broken down by bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus through the fermentation process, until absorbed. This is one of the benefits of yogurt for children who are unable to digest lactose well as a milk substitute.
Degradation of Cholesterol
Research in some people who eat yogurt regularly in a certain amount of time and it shows the amount of cholesterol in the blood serum decreased. Mechanism of cholesterol reduction is common because of lactic acid bacteria present in yogurt can degrade cholesterol into coprostanol. Coprostanol This is a substance that can not be absorbed by the intestine. Thanks to the yogurt, coprostanol and cholesterol remaining feces expelled together. In other words, the amount of cholesterol absorbed by the body was so low. A report on this matter explained that the reduction of cholesterol by Lactobacillus bacteria can reach the range of 27-38 percent.
Inhibit pathogens
People who regularly consume yogurt having a difficult bowel flora overgrown pathogenic germs that can cause disease. So it can avoid the risk of microbial infections or intoxication. From a study reported that Lactobacillus casei used in the process of making yogurt, skim milk and soy milk, proven to kill bacteria E. coli. The cause of diarrhea. These bacteria are bacteria which are the alimentary tract. Although in small amounts, these bacteria do not actually cause disease, but in excess they can certainly create an unhealthy impact. While the presence of Lactobacillus casei, E. coli bacteria can not survive because of Lactobacillus casei, which is "good" bacteria produce a substance that can inhibit E coli toxin produced.
Neutralize the antibiotic
Eating Oral antibiotics can cause the balance of natural flora in the gastrointestinal tract disrupted. Antibiotics do not work that way indiscriminately kill germs and natural flora gastrointestinal tract. Benefits of yogurt can neutralize the side effects of antibiotics by balancing the digestive tract condition and regrow natural flora.
Preventing Gastrointestinal Cancer
Digestive tract cancers frequently occur in the colon. The causes of the imbalance in the digestive tract, to produce a buildup of various substances that should be wasted. The bacteria in yogurt alter prekarsinogenik substances (substances trigger cancer) are present in the digestive tract, to be able to inhibit the occurrence of cancer
Preventing coronary heart
As we have seen, yogurt has been incorporated into "good" bacteria that do not cause disease, ie, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus. Well, the bacteria that are then given a medium such as milk. During the fermentation process of milk in the manufacture of yogurt, the bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus to grow and become large. It was then that the two types of bacteria that will improve the quality proteinyang amino acids contained in milk. Such as histidine is good for growing children. In addition, in the fermentation process, the two types of bacteria will produce folic acid and vitamin B complex. Various studies reveal that these two vitamins is useful to prevent the emergence of coronary heart disease.
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