deception as deception style sprawl (Vagrant Beggars) until charlatan, or a businessman under the guise of investment. The most accurate and easily without a lot of capital and can make the victim believe it is the most paranormal even disguised as pious people who are clearly the most obvious person to be trusted his words., klo in Indonesia since the majority of the most easily Bergama Islam disguised as a cleric or kiai bogus .
Well since in other countries is different, perhaps pious monk monk who could they trust his words.
Take a look at look at how much the guise of fraud, extortion and rape the person posting dialakukan badge pious people .. example monk.
This image is an example of the many perpetrators of crimes under the guise or religious dress.
so in other Asian countries there are monks nasty tricks builders and rapists, the victims are mostly women ranging from amorous affairs until family problems, arguably nasty monks, lewd priests capital .. just clever talk and dress up the pious, than money, smooth body beautiful woman used as a practice arena for free nasty under the guise of religion.
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