
Regulation Funny, And World Wide Weird

Forbidden to leave the house without wearing underwear. (Pake ketauan guns pakenya
how then?)

To reduce the level of traffic stagnation of Manila, stipulated that:
Vehicle-numbered end of 1 or 2 are not allowed to operate on Mondays.
While the numbers 3 & 4 should not be on Tuesday, 5 & 6 should not be in
Wednesday, 7 & 8 should not be on Thursday, 9 & 0 is not allowed in days
Friday. This rule applies since at 07.00 am each day.

a. Prohibited
gardening on the day of the week. The reason: Noisy!
b. Although Swiss citizens are prohibited from selling, buying, smuggling, and producing
alcoholic beverages, but they are allowed to consume.

Forbidden to paint the house without permission from the government and had to use paint
who have got the certificate / permission from the government.

The police must report the amount of bribes they received from the
motorists that they are ticketed.

a. Prohibited from selling chewing gum in Singapore.
b. Forbidden to walk without clothes (nude)
c. Not flushing the toilet after a bowel movement, can be fined.
d. If you are caught spitting 3X as much, you are obliged to clean
streets on Sundays with carrying the writing on the chest "I am a Litterer"
(I'm a Peludah)
e. Forbidden to pee in the lift / elevator. (YES IYAAAAAAALAAAAHHHH>
In the elevator)
a. Prohibited from selling vegetables on the day of the week (except carrots).
b. Women are prohibited from eating chocolate in a public place.
c. Taking discarded items, can be punishable by the Criminal Terrorism.

a. Women who work in government offices are prohibited from wearing short skirts or
clothing that can "provoke" co-workers during working hours.
b. Prohibited swearing in public places.

a. Men who wear mini skirts in public places is punishable by confinement. (YES
IYALAAAAH>>> WEIRD because ....)
b. Hitting someone with your fist threatened criminal law persecution. But
beat people with tables and chairs can be considered self-defense. (Gila. ..
trus what's the difference ????? ?)

a. Children over the age of 18 years (under 21) are prohibited from buying cigarettes, but
allowed to smoke.
b. Prohibited from picking up the phone on first ring. (WHY
c. Only a licensed Electrical Officers are allowed to replace the lamp house.
d. Hot Pink prohibited from wearing pants on Sunday. (Huahahahaha. ..)

Prohibited from wearing hats in the sports stadium, because it can interfere with vision
other people.

Only smart kids are allowed to lecture (and this must be proved by
State that receives a diploma exam).

a. Prohibited from removing tape wound in a public place.
b. Prohibited in the garden hose tananam when it was raining.
c. Pee banned in all places in Canada (except the toilet of your home
itself). (Trus if dying how? Weird deh ...)
d. Banned from climbing trees.

a. Banned kissing in the subway.
b. Your pets are prohibited from naming the pig "Napoleon". (DEH AAAAH force ....)

a. Prohibited from raising pigs on the land of Israel. People who do
was shot dead. (Sadistic euy ..)
b. Ngupil forbidden on the Sabbath (Saturday / Sunday). (Apparently ngupil also need
pas weekend breaks: D)
c. Prohibited from riding a bike, unless a permit to ride a bicycle.


1. Arizona:
a. Arizona Government prohibits hunters hunting activity camel
in Arizona. (The problem: Camels do not live / does not exist in Arizona. Then make a
What enforce the law? * Confused *)
b. Forbidden to imitate the style of Reverend / local priest.
c.. Prohibited from driving a car without shoes.
d. Forbidden to play dominoes on Sunday.
e. Forbidden to wear a fake mustache in church.
f. The death sentence imposed for anyone who sprinkled salt on the tracks
railway ..
g. Prohibited from driving a car with your eyes closed.

a. Forbidden to photograph the bears are sleeping.
b. Prohibited binding pet dog on the hood / roof of the car.
c. Prohibited
give to drink beer on the deer.
d. Prohibited from walking around carrying a bow and arrow.

3. Arkansas:
a. Men were allowed to beat his wife, but not more than 1 times
a month. (WHAT ??!!)
b. Prohibited from maintaining a crocodile in the bathtub. (Idiiih .... Anyone who also
want to ????)
c. Men and women who are caught flirting in the middle of the road, will
subject to 30 days in jail.
d. Prohibited from carrying cows walk on the main road after passing hours of 1 am
day on Sundays.

a. Pets are prohibited from having sex is left around the site
schools, parks, and places of worship.
b. Women are prohibited from driving a car wearing a negligee.
c. Cars without a driver speeding on the street is prohibited. (YES IAYALAAAAAAAAAAH)
d. Cycling is prohibited in the pool. (Especially with this ...)
e. Prohibited from wearing cowboy boots, unless you maintain a minimum cows
Two tails.
f. Prohibited
keep animals in green and smelly.
g. Banned from playing bowling on the sidewalk.

a. Prohibited from arguing with the police, unless your vehicle is stopped by it.
b. Prohibited from building in the middle of the road. (YES IYALAAAH ... INSANE
WHAT ... ????)

6. Connecticut
a. Prohibited from riding a bike at speeds over 90 km / hour.
b. Men forbidden to kiss his wife on Sundays. (ANEEEH Ajah ... envious ...)
c. Car firefighters are not allowed to speeding more than 40 km / h, although
is heading to the location kebakarang though.
d. Makeup artist / beauty banned from whistling, humming, or singing
when serving customers.

a. State Constitution guarantees pregnant pigs free from the threat of imprisonment, to
any action they do.
b. Fines will be given to the woman who was asleep when her hair is a hair dryer,
unless he is the owner
c. Forbidden to sing in public while wearing a bathing suit.
d. Prohibited fart in a public place after 6 pm.
e. Prohibited breaking plates and glasses more than 3 pieces a day.

a. Forbidden to greet people while ngupil.
b. Prohibited from wearing sandals after the hours of 10 pm.
c. Men are prohibited from wearing out with a jacket and pants are not
matching. (... WHAT? if another GAK matching gmana SERBA MODE?)
d. Men forbidden to go out topless (not wearing tops). (FYI:
It is the oldest law in New York because it has been enacted since
e. Prohibited sipping soup.
f. Forbidden to eat while swimming in the ocean. (WE SIH UDAH TAUUUUU ....)

a. Banned feeding children in the umum.b. Banned dancing and drinking at the same time.

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