Vicky Burki Diligent Drinking Water Art
Even though it seemed strange and filthy, urine or urine, by artist Victorine Cherryline Soedarjono alias Vicky Burki Burki, very beneficial to health. 'To get a fit body like this, I use urine therapy and regular exercise, and if the mind,' said the woman was born in Bandung, June 17, is currently found in the area of Green Jewels.
According to Vicky, her first time interested pursue the world of urine therapy after reading a book by Coen van der Kroom while waiting for a flight on one airline terminals abroad. Because of the curious with these therapies, soap star Chastity inscription consulted with a number of friends who belongs to the medicine.
'There's that support and oppose. But, I thought why not try? His book was mentioned that many people who have done so. In fact, key officials in India are using these therapies, "he said.
Finally, that morning, the story of Vicky, feeling a little hesitant and confused he drank his own urine. Gradually, after trying a few treatments, the soap star Honor felt a slight change in his body.
Increasingly prima stamina when doing various activities. 'I'm getting fit and not tired,' he says. According to Vicky, therapy should be done routinely. 'Actually, perfect-match. Suitable for me anyway, is not necessarily the others fit, 'he said
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