s to
acknowledge the willingness of all visitors to stop by, here it agan and
aganwati can know the psychology of character agan and aganwati perntanyaan
yourself by answering the questions that exist below, because the choice
aganwati AD then agan and welcome to prepare a piece of paper and Sheaffer to write the answer, oh yes on notepad computer program can
also be really. The important thing there is a place for writing the answer,
then after agan and aganwati answered all her questions just follow the next
step (no post-agan and aganwati follow testnya). Trying.

Here are the questions ...
1. Moment longer want to end ya. If you can nyelametin one type of animal, which is lucky?
a. Rabbit
b. Sheep
c. Deer
d. Horse
2. You maen to Africa again, eh trus forced to take the animal home for souvenirs. You will choose?
a. Monkey
b. Lion
c. Snake
d. Giraffe
3. The story is the same God ye cursed into animals. So what do you choose?
a. Dog
b. Cat
c. Horse
d. Snake
4. If you have the power to exterminate a species, which species would be a victim?
a. Lion
b. Snake
c. Crocodile
d. Shark
5. One day, you meet an animal that can talk. You hope the beast is?
a. Sheep
b.. Horse
c. Rabbit
d. Bird
6. If you are on a desert island and can only have one friend, so what you choose?
a. Humans also
b. Pig
c. Cow
d. Bird
7. Suppose you could make so tame a wild animal, you will be maintained?
a. Dinosaurs
b. White tiger
c. Polar bears
d. Leopard
8. If you could be an animal for 5 minutes, going so which one?
a. Lion
b. Cat
c. Horse
d. Pigeon
Each one answer to the question will result in a statement. Please see the statement below if visitors, agan and aganwati already feel answering the questions above was a correct and complete. If you see the statement before looking at the questions then the test fails.
Here it is a statement ...
1. Basically you're interested in people ....
a. RABBIT - People who are hard to guess, eg keliatannya really cool but the original super attention
b. SHEEP - Complying .. and friendly ... (White fur ya? Hehehheh)
c. DEER - Elegant and polite
d. HORSE - Those who are not unfettered and free
2. In the approach, how to approach the most can make you fall in love ....
a. MONKEY - Creative, never make! you're bored
b. Lion - To the point, direct nyatain without spik the bebelit
c. Snake - stretching ... pull ... stretching more ... pull again ..., layangaaaan times
d. GIRAFFE - Patience ... but never give up.
3. What impression clay you love to your lover that you are the person ....
a. Dog - Loyal and trustworthy
b. Cat - Style
c. HORSE - Optimistic
d. Snake - Flexible
4. Situations you hate most, which could be a problem in your relationship ....
a. Lion - Gesombongan your boyfriend and his quasi-dictator
b. Snake - Emotional, moodmood's, so again you must know how guns make him nyenengin
c. VERA - Sadis (do not mean physically well), be cool, like ngejek trus
d. SHARK - Insecure (what indonya language that fit well, insecurity? Instability? Uncertainty?)
5. Relationships that you want to run it with your boyfriend ....
a. SHEEP - Although the guns say but you guys know each other masing2 hearts content, in other words you tuh Communicate by hearts
b. HORSE - Mutual open, freedom of expression, there are guns secrecy
c. RABBIT - relationships that can make you always feel comfortable and loved each other
d. BIRD - Long term relationship
6. About the lust ahem problem .......( Let ga ama uu ITE amended)
a. HUMAN - You care about the environment and morale, so you will not macem-macem if unmarried (amieenn).
b. PIG - Walaaahhh! You can not resist the temptation ya ...
c. COW - As much as possible anyway you try to not do it
d. BIRD - Not stable. Actually you are not a suitable person to marry and make a commitment.
7. Marriage for you ....
a. DINOSAURS - A little pessimistic, you feel right now there are already guns such thing tuh happy marriage.
b. WHITE TIGER - Create your marriage is something precious and after you m! arried you really going ngejaga
c. Polar Bear - You're afraid of marriage
d. Leopard - You really want to get married, but actually you also nggayakin exactly what is marriage?
8. Currently, you think love is ....
a. Lion - You always thirst for love. But that does not mean easy to fall in love, but always wanted to be loved.
b. Cat - You're a little selfish. You see love as something that is easily obtained and removed whenever you want.
c. HORSE - You engga would be tamed by the relationship too seriously. You still want to also "there gebet gebet here"
d. Merpati - Love for you is a commitment made by both parties.
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