In some cases in Indonesia, lightning can cause death, as happened in Batam. When someone is playing golf in the open field, he was suddenly struck by lightning. Very awesome yes ... Well, why thunder boomed to illuminate the sky? Or ane want to know how much does the light emitted by lightning? Or how much heat it releases? If you want to know, In physics, a flash of lightning is a bright light that formed during electrical discharge in the atmosphere during rain storms. Thunderstorms can occur when the voltage at two separate points in the atmosphere - is still in a cloud, or between the cloud and the ground surface, or between two ground level - to achieve a high level. Lightning flash occurs in the form of at least two lightning. At the first clap of negative charge (-) flows from the cloud to the ground. This is not a very bright flash. A number of lightning branching can usually be seen spreading out from the main lightning path. When the lightning strike the ground first, an opposite charge is formed at the point to be snatched and lightning currents both positively charged lightning is formed from the main line directly to the cloud. Two lightning is usually collided about 50 feet above ground level. Short circuit is formed at the meeting point between the cloud and the ground surface, and the result is an electric current is very strong and light flowing from the main lightning's path toward the clouds. Voltage difference on the flow of electricity between the clouds and the ground surface exceeds several million volts.
Lightning energy
Energy released by a single bolt of lightning is greater than that generated by all central power plants in America. The temperature at the track where the lightning is formed can reach 10,000 degrees Celsius. The temperature inside the furnace to melt iron is between 1050 and 1100 degrees Celsius. Heat generated by lightning strikes the smallest can reach 10 times that. Great heat means that lightning can easily burn and destroy all the elements that exist on earth. Another comparison, the surface temperature of 700,000 degrees Celsius high sun. In other words, the temperature of lightning is 1 / 70 of the sun's surface temperature. Issued by the lightning light brighter than the light bulb 10 million 100-watt incandescent helpless.
A lightning strike average-sized has an energy that can power a 100 watt light bulb for more than 3 months. A bolt of lightning contains an average sized electric force of 20,000 amps. A welding using a 250-400 amps to weld steel. Moving with lightning speed of 150,000 km / sec, or half the speed of light, and 100,000 times faster than flash sound formed very rapidly down to earth with a speed of 96,000 km / hour.
The first strike reached the point of the meeting or the earth's surface within 20 milliseconds, and a bolt in the opposite direction toward the cloud within 70 microseconds. Overall lightning lasted up to half a second. Roar that followed caused by sudden heating of air around the lightning path. As a result, the air expands faster than the speed of sound, although the wave kejutnya back to normal sound waves in the range of several meters. Sound waves are formed following the atmospheric air and surface shape afterwards. That's the reason for the occurrence of thunder and lightning succession.
Thunderstorms have current largest electric
A magazine 'Essence' had revealed that the greatest electrical current carrying lightning found in Indonesia, specifically in the area of Depok. Sponsored research PLN Depok Branch, in April, May and June 2002, using the lighting technology position and tracking system (LPATS), was to recognize the behavior of lightning in the area of the city in the south of Jakarta. Not unexpectedly, the researchers found a negative lightning current measuring 379.2 kA (kilo Amperes) and positive lightning reached 441.1 kA.
With the current strength of it, lightning can flatten buildings made of concrete though. So far, Indonesia is known as a country with a bolt of lightning is high enough. Indonesia's meteorological conditions are ideal for the creation of lightning. Three conditions the formation of lightning - the air rises, moisture, and free particles or aerosols - are met with both in Indonesia as a maritime country.
In the December 2000 issue of Essence magazine, mentioned that the earth can be described as a capacitor. Between layers ionesfer and Earth, if the sky is clear, there is an electric current that flows continuously, from the positively charged ionosphere to the Earth which are negatively charged. But the Earth does not burn, because there is an electrically charged thundercloud positive or negative as a counterweight. "The positive down to Earth, and the negative up to the ionosphere.
When the sky is cloudy, not all clouds are thunder clouds. Only cumulonimbus clouds that produce lightning. Thunderstorms occur due to the discharge of a cumulonimbus cloud to another cloud, or from clouds directly to Earth.
When we contemplate all about lightning, we will understand that the events of this nature is something amazing. How can such an incredible power comes from the positive and negative charged particles, invisible to the naked eye, showed that lightning was created intentionally by the Creator. Furthermore, the fact that the molecules of nitrogen, which is very important for plants, emerge from this power, once again proving that lightning was created specifically by the creator.
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